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Freshwater from rivers and streams typically ends up in the sea, where it mixes with saltwater. However, some freshwater can also infiltrate the ground and recharge underground aquifers, providing a source of drinking water for communities and ecosystems.

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Q: Where would Freshwater eventually ends up in the sea or underground aquifer?
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What are underground sources of water called?

The answer would be Aquifer Hope you got the answer to your question 🙂☺

What is an underground area of soil sand or rock that is saturated with water called?

That would be an aquifer.

What would happen if the water in an aquifer were pumped out faster than it is replenished?

many freshwater aquifers have salty ground water under the freshwater. Bieng less dense, the freshwater floats on top of the denser salt water and little mixing occurs because both layers of water are 'trapped' in the porous rocks of the atmosphere.freshwater aquifer are generally recharged by rainfall, which seeps through rocks. the result from extracting the water faster than it can be replaced is that the salt water layers rise to replace it and this "saltwater intrusion" can render the aquifer useless. also if there are trees planted above the aquifer (depending on how far underground the aquifer is) sometimes the roots of the trees hang down into the aquifer. when it is filled with salt water, this is sucked up the trees xylem cells and intrudes salt upon the land.australian towns such as Kalgoorlie (WA) and Hay (NSW) have been forced to slow down their water extraction rates and seek new water sources due to salt water intrusion in their aquifers.soil salinity is a key word here in the discussion of the danger of extracting water from an aquifer faster than it can be replaced

Would offer the best protection against a water shortage?

An underground aquifer would provide the best protection against a water shortage caused by drought.

What would offer the best protection against a water shortage?

An underground aquifer would provide the best protection against a water shortage caused by drought.

Where would you expect to find an aquifer?

You can find an aquifer in the ocean right near the sea wall.

What would happen to an aquifer if there were a drought?

During a drought, less precipitation leads to decreased recharge of the aquifer. As a result, the water level in the aquifer would drop, leading to reduced water availability for wells and surface water bodies that rely on the aquifer. This can have negative impacts on water supply for communities and agriculture.

Why would someone drill into an aquifer?

to have fresh water

What kinds of rocks would you need to find an aquifer?

To find an aquifer, you would typically need to look for rocks that are porous and permeable, such as sandstone, limestone, or fractured volcanic rock. These types of rocks allow for the movement and storage of water within their spaces, forming potential underground reservoirs from which water can be extracted.

What is the bedrock below an aquifer called?

The bedrock below an aquifer is called the water table. For example if a hole is dug into sand, very wet and saturated sand at shallow depth this would represent the aquifer and the level to which the water rises in this hole would be called the water table.

What is the land above the aquifer sinks?

is would be a sink hole

How did the underground railroad effect the southern people?

This helped and gave strength to their cause. It inspired and gave them hope that things would eventually be different.