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Q: Where would chemical weathering occur rapidly?
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In which climate would the chemical weathering of limestone occur most rapidly?

Warm and humid

What occurs as the results of a rocks exposure to a chemical?

The answer will depend on what the chemical is! A rock exposed to nitrogen, under normal temperature and pressure will be no different from what it would be otherwise!

In what locations would you expect to find chemical weathering instead of mechanical weathering?

Chemical weathering is prevalent in tropical climates.

Is iron lawn furniture rusting outside mechanical or chemical weathering?

It would be a chemical change.

What would chemical weathering be most effective in?

Chemical weathering is the most effective in hot and dry climates. This is because this climate accelerates and intensifies the chemical weathering.

Chemical weathering would be most effective in what climate?

Chemical weathering is the most effective in hot and dry climates. This is because this climate accelerates and intensifies the chemical weathering.

What type of weathering would sanding a rough board to make shelves be?

chemical weathering

What type of change would slow the chemical weathering of the soil?

Ice wedging would help slow chemical weathering and make the soil more fertile.

Would minerals dissolving in water be a form of mechanical or chemical weathering?


Does a cold climate help mechanical weathering?

No. mechanical weathering is the breaking and separating of rock or other materials. In order for mechanical weathering to occur you need water or some kind of mass movement. the only erosional agent which works with mechanical weathering are creep and solifluction, but mechanical weathering itself cannot happen because if it is too cold the frost wedging cannot happen becasue the water would freeze in contact and would not expand

In which one of the area would you expect to find chemical weathering of a opposed to mechanical weathering?


Does the Atacama Desert experience physical weathering or chemical weathering?

Since it rarely rains in the Atacama, nearly all weathering would be physical weathering caused by the wind.