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Fungi breaks down larger inorganic matter. As a result, the matter gets recycled back into the earth and can get absorbed by plants and animals.

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they help to decompose dead plants.

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Q: Where would fungi and insects fit into the nutrient cycle?
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What do small ocean insects eat?

Many different insects eat different things. While most live off of dead plants and leaves, some eat dead animals and even crumbs of people food.

Which population would increase more if insects were eliminated?

There is no evidence that any population would INCREASE if insects were eliminated. However, there is a vast amount of evidence that most ecosystems would be decimated if insects were eliminated.

How do insects help pollination?

Insects can help the environement A LOT!Many of the insects are thought to be pests by humans. But there are hundreds of insects that help the human race in various ways. Insects are necessary to pollinate flowering plants, without the active help of insects thousands of plant varieties would have become extinct. Insects produce substances such as wax, honey and silk which are then used by humans in a large number of applications and for direct consumption. Some insects act as scavengers, thus helping to maintain the ecological balance on the earth.The ecosystem heavily relies on insects for decomposition, nutrient and energy recycling, soil aeration, and pollination. Insects are helpful as saprophytes collecting and recycling garbage wastes. Dead organisms are broken down by insects and this assists in the formation of new life.

Do bees eat insects?

no. bees are vegeterien but they would attack and kill other insects in defence of the queen and the hive

Do goats eat insects?

no they eat waste from others such as leaves grass and goatb droppings.if they eat insects it would poisone them. their stomachs cannot take in the bugs.

Related questions

Why would fungi decline after disappearance of insects?

because its responding to stimuli

What is the most important thing about fungus?

fungi play a crucial role in the life cycle of the jungle/forest. They would die without fungi!!

Do Flying insects have a mutualistic relationship with fungi?

I don't believe so... May I ask why you would ask such a disturbing question??

How is the time of year important to the life cycle of insects?

It is important because if the life cycle starts in Winter, the young insect will not survive, it would be to cold.

What purpose does fungi serve in the life cycle of the oak tree?

there is a couple different ways in which fungi could be in an oak trees life cycle depending where it grows. The most obviouse would be when the tree dies the fungi help decay the tree by feeding on it. Also there are types of fungi that live in the soil mostly underground that can give off nitrogen among other nutrients that an oak tree could feed on.

Role of fungi in ecosystem?

Fungi play a crucial role in ecosystems as decomposers. They break down dead organic material, such as fallen trees and animal remains, and recycle nutrients back into the soil. This helps to maintain nutrient cycling and supports the growth of plants. Fungi also form symbiotic relationships with plants, such as mycorrhizae, where they assist in nutrient uptake by the plant roots. Without fungi, ecosystems would struggle to recycle nutrients efficiently.

Would the nutrients cycle be complete without decomposed?

No,because decomposers are an important part of nutrient cycle.Through them, nutrients in the ecosystem can be used again and again in this way, nutrient cycles go on and on.

What do small ocean insects eat?

Many different insects eat different things. While most live off of dead plants and leaves, some eat dead animals and even crumbs of people food.

What do you think the forest would be like without fungi?

A forest without trees would be tree graveyard. There would be no life since all trees rely on fungi to aquire water and nutrients. As the trees died of dehydration, there would be nothing to decay them, since fungi are the main organisms to degrade the recalcitrant components of wood (e.g. lignin). Many animals would also die, since they rely on edible mushrooms (most of these would be insects). The few organisms that would survive would be plants that do not associate with fungi, bacteria, and the microbes that hunt bacteria.

Is the study of the cycle of an insect science?

yes! yes indeed it is!! that sort of study would be in the department of Entomology which IS the study of insects

Is timber biodegradable?

is wood a biodegradable polllutant

What is decomposing the insect's body?

It is when a type of decomposer turns it into nutrients. For example, bacteria is a decomposer. The insects body will give the soil more richness which would make plants be more healthy!