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In its stomach

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Q: Where would you find a bird's gizzard?
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Do hawks have a gizzard?

All birds have a gizzard.

What would you find inside the gizzard?

Why do you care it is a Gizzard :) haha

What organ in birds hold rocks that they swallow to help with digestion?

That would be the gizzard.

Which structure is an adaptation that helps birds break down food?

That would be the gizzard! :)

Birds crush and grind food in the?

with the gizzard

What has a gizzard?

The gizzard is the second part of the owl stomach used to mash nutrients, separating the bones and fur of the pellets.

How birds grind up food?

With their gizzard and beak.

Where would you most likely find Campbells Watercress and Duck Gizzard Soup in?

Campbells watercress and duck gizzard soup is the favorite soup in Hong Kong.

Does Tyler Have A Gizzard?

Yes It Is Really Large He Would Love U To Suck It Hardy So Come To Asia And Find And Suck On His GIZZARD!!!!

Do chemicals in birds break down food in the gizzard?

Yes, in birds it does break down the food

Why do earthworms have a crop and a gizzard?

A gizzard is a sack like organ at the back of the earthworms throat. The gizzard basically chews the earthworm's food since the worm doesn't have any teeth. The crop is a thinner organ closer to the head. The crop stores food.

What do you call that has been removed to the gizzard?

I have to guess what you mean. What has been removed to the gizzard depends on which direction you mean. On one side it is the intestines and on the other side it is the throat. Birds have no teeth. The gizzard is used by birds to grind the food they eat, much as our teeth do. Birds will ingest small stones and sand to do this. The gizzard is a muscular organ and as it contracts it grinds the food eaten with the stones and sand. The food then passes on to the stomach. The material in the gizzard is food that is in the process of being ground and small stones and sand.