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It is not the weight of the fruit that affects it's ability to float.It is it's DENSITY that is the key. Soft pulpy fruit incorporating a lot of air inside will generally float since their density is below 1.00(1.00 being fresh water). Hard and densely packed nuts may well sink if their density rise above 1.00

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Q: Whether the weight of a fruit affects its ability to float?
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Bouyancy determines whether an object sinks or floats.

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Many things can float in water. An object will float based on 2 main factors. They are density and shape. If an object is too dense, it will sink. But why would shape matter? The shape of the object affects how the water is displaced. If the weight of the water displaced is more than the weight of the object that is touching the water, the object will float. So the shape affects how much water is displaced therefore determines if an object will float.

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The size of an object has little to do with whether it will float. Size relative to weight, or density, is what determines bouyancy. If the object weighs less than the amount of water it can displace, it floats.

What is the term for the ability to float on water?

This would include the term "buoyancy", which is not limited to objects that float. An objects whose weight is less than the water displaced by it would float. But an object could become suspended below water by the upward force of bouyancy, which acts on all objects in liquid.

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A planet's weight does not determine whether it can float in water. It's density is what determines that. Your question should be "Which planet's density is so small that it could float in water?"

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The buoyant force is what causes and object to float. If the buoyant force is less than the object weight, it sinks. If the buoyant force is greater than the objects weight, it rises to the top. If it is equal, the object will float in the middle, neither rising or falling.

Do different sizes of fruit determine whether they will float in water?

no, what determines whether they will float or not is their density