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Females produce fewer gametes.

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Brenden Bosco

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2y ago
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Q: Which correctly describes a difference between the male and female reproductive systems?
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What correctly describes the difference between male and female reproductive systems?

males reproduce more gametes

What correctly describes a difference between the male and female reproductive system?

males reproduce more gametes

Describes a difference between the male and female reproductive systems?

males reproduce more gametes

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What a describes different between the male and female reproductive systems?

males reproduce more gametes

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Which correctly describes the difference between the male and female reproductive system?

The male and female reproductive systems are very different. The male sex organs are located on the outside of the body, while the female's are inside the body. However, both systems release sex cells in order to create an embryo, though fertilization can only occur during sexual intercourse. Males release these cells more frequently and in a greater quantity than do females.

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The difference is that only nineteen is spelt correctly.

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