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Fraggle Rock - 'Doc' on Fraggle Rock has a dog named Sprocket .

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Q: Which 1980's childrens show had sprocket the dog in it?
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What was the name of the dog in Fraggle Rock?

The dog was called Sprocket :-)--true that sprocket is funny,cute,and amazing I heart dogs too!

What was the name of the dog on fraggle rock?

Sprocket the Dog.

Snoop dog's childrens names?

chock,cordell,and Corey

What is the animated childrens movie with pastel-colored dogs in heaven or at least the sky but not all dogs go to heaven made possibly in 1980s but definitely made by 1995?

If it's a cartoon with a dog named Charlie in it, it's called "All Dogs Go To Heaven"

Your dog was neutered what can you gave him for pain?

Depending on the size of the dog give them 1 to 2 choppedup childrens advil.

I overdosed my dog on childrens liquid benadryl is he going to be okay?

I hope so...

Can you rent hot dog carts for parties?

Yes, hot dog carts are very popular to rent for childrens parties.

Eric the red's childrens names?

Son, Daughter, Dog, Cat, Fish, Wife

Can you give childrens liquid advil to a dog?

Ibuprofen is highly toxic to dogs and cats.

What happens to a dog after taking childrens Motrin?

only if you want to kill your dog <by jessica>

How do you clean dog poop from childrens clothes?

wash it in the washing machine, and put it on normal that should do it.