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Generally, the larger or more massive the planet, the more moons it may have. Jupiter and Saturn are the largest and most massive and have over 60 moons each.

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6mo ago

Jupiter and Saturn have the most moons in our solar system. Jupiter has at least 79 known moons, while Saturn has at least 82.

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Q: Which 2 planets have the most amount of moons?
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Of the inner planets which contains the most number of moons?

Of the inner planets, Mars has the most moons. Mars has 2 moons compared the Earth having 1 moon and Venus and Mercury having none.

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Venus and Mercury have no moons.

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What are the 2 moons?

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Do any planets have less then 10 moons?

Yes. Many Planets and dwarf planets have less than 10 moons. Planets: Mercury- 0 moons Venus- 0 moons Earth- 1 moon Mars- 2 moon Neptune- 8 moons Dwarf planets: Pluto- 3 moons and many other dwarf planets that i don't know how many moons they have.

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The inner planet with the most moons is Mars, with 2 (Phobos and Deimos). Earth has 1, and Venus and Mercury don't have any moons. (The planet in the solar system with the most moons is Jupiter, an outer planet.)

What are the 2 planets with no moons?

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What 2 planets that has 2 moons?

Only Mars has exactly two moons! :D hope that helped

What fraction of the planets does not have moons?

Mercury has no moons, Venus has no moons, that is 2 Earth Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all have moons, that is 6 Therefore the fraction of planets with out moons in the solar system is 1/3

Put the planets in order from least to most moons?

There are two planets with no moons, Mercury and Venus. After that the order is Earth (1), Mars (2), Neptune (14), Uranus (27), Saturn (62), and Jupiter (67).