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Q: Which 4500 mile-long mountain range run along the western coats of south America?
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What mountains run along South America's western coast?

The Andes mountain range

What mountain range runs across the coast of South America?

The Andes mountain range runs along the western coast of South America, spanning over seven countries including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. It is the longest mountain range in the world, reaching approximately 7,000 kilometers in length.

What 4500 mile long mountain range runs along the western coast of America?

The Andes Mountains

Which 5500 mile-long mountain rage runs along the western coast of south America?

The Andies

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Mountain goats are found in the Rocky Mountains in the United States, and up along the western coastline of the United States of America up and into Alaska and western Canada.


The Andes mountains are located in South America along the western coast. The highest point in elevation, Aconcagua, is 22,841 feet.

What mountain rangs runs north to south in South America?

The Andes mountain range

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What mountain range stretches along the west coast of south America?

The western coast of South America is home to one of the longest mountain ranges in the world. The Andes Mountains stretch 4500 miles from the tip of South America all the way up to Panama.

What is the Andres mountains?

Assuming that you mean the Andes, it is a continental mountain range that runs along the western coast of South America. It is the longest mountain range in the world that spans 7,000 km long.

What ocean at the Andes mountains next to?

The Andes Mountain Range, running along the western side of South America, is next to the South Pacific Ocean.