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Doctors, lawyers, architects and civil engineers, to name four.

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Q: Which 4 groups of professionals took part in the holocaust during world war 2?
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Related questions

What groups were exterminated during World War 2?

The majority of people exterminated in the Holocaust were Jewish. Other persecuted groups include Gypsies, homosexuals, and Jehova's Witnesses.

Was the holocaust in World War I or 2?

The holocaust was during World War 2

The Holocaust begin in 1940 after World War 2?

The Holocaust was during World War 2

Who ruled Germany during the Holocaust?

There were threee main powers.... Hitler was the leader of Germany, Mussolini was the leader of Italy and HiroHito was the leader of Japan --- Please don't treat World War 2 and the Holocaust as the same thing! The Holocaust took place during World War 2, but there was much more to World War 2 than the Holocaust. Japan, for example, was not involved in the Holocaust at all ...

What international conflict was going on during the Holocaust?

The Holocaust took place during World War 2.

Was the Holocaust before after or during World War 2?


What is the significance of holocaust during World War 1?

The Holocaust did not take place during WW 1, it was during WW 2.

Who did the allies battle in during the Holocaust?

This question confuses the holocaust with World War 2.

What is the period of ethnic cleasing during World War 2?

Holocaust "The Holocaust", which was Hitler's genocide primarily against European Jews. Other groups were also targeted for mass-murder, primarily based on ethnic or national origin.

Did the Holocaust and World War 2 happen at the same time?

the holocaust was in the duration of world war II, ___ Yes, the Holocaust took place during World War 2.

What was the conditions of England during the Holocaust?

Britain was not invaded in World War 2 and there was no Holocaust in Britain.

How many cities were destroyed during the Holocaust?

It seems that you are confusing the holocaust with World War 2.