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South Africa

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Q: Which African country has the best infrastructure?
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What country has best infrastructure?


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Which South African city has the best infrastructure?

Arguably Cape Town, Johannesbugr or Pretoria.

Which country is best eritrea or ethoipia?

Ethiopia is a better country than Eritrea considering their economy , stability and infrastructure.

What country is the best in Africa with the reason why is the best country?

In terms of Human rights, freedom of speech and a highly developed economy with the best infrastructure it would have to be South Africa.

How can trade impact a country infrastructure?

Trade can vastly impact a country's infrastructure. For instance, if a country can become profitable from farming, they will alter their infrastructure to land clearing and irrigation.

What is the best African country to travel?

South Africa

Which is the largest African country in the world cup?

If you mean the largest African country in the world cup then your answer is South Africa If you mean the best then your answer is Cameroon.

Which of the following terms best describes the basic physical structures services and facilities needed for the country to operate?

Infrastructure is the term that best describes the basic physical structures, services, and facilities needed for a country to operate, including transportation systems, utilities, and communication networks.

Which African country has the best economy 2010-2011?

In terms of GDP per capita, the richest African country in 2010-2011 is South Africa.

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What are the best features of the South African society?

South Africa's economy displays many world-class features. These include a sophisticated financial and physical infrastructure.