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Ethiopia is the popular country for being only one of two African countries which successfully avoided colonization.

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Q: Which African country successfully avoided colonization-?
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What African country avoided colonization?


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Ethiopia was the only African country to successfully resist colonizing Europeans. Liberia also maintained independence, but since the country was founded by African-Americans in the early 1800s, Europeans considered it a "civilized" country and never threatened its independence militarily.

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The US successfully defended the country and avoided a nuclear war.

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The European colonization of Africa had wide-ranging effects on the continent. It led to the exploitation of African resources, the imposition of European rule and systems of governance, the displacement and marginalization of African cultures and societies, and the establishment of racial hierarchies. It also contributed to economic underdevelopment and political instability in many African countries.

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Ethiopia is the only African country never to have been colonized by a European power. Italy attempted to invade Ethiopia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but the Ethiopian forces successfully defended their country and maintained their independence.