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Q: Which Celtic god was beltane sacred to?
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What are the four great Celtic festivals remaining today?

The four main Celtic festivals which are remembered today are Beltane,Lughnasadh,Imbolc, and Samhain.

How you celebrate beltane?

You can say.. "Have a blessed Beltane" or "Have an Enchanted Beltane" If you are wishing someone younger than you or newer than you to a pagan path you can say "Beltane Blessings"

What is the name of the Celtic god of thunder?

Taranis is the Celtic god of Thunder.

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A Celtic god.

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Norse, the Celtic Druids and the North American Indians

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It was sacred to Apollo

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The god that sacred animal is a wild boar is Ares god of war.

What is the name of God is Gracious in Celtic?

The name of God is Gracious in Celtic is "Dagda." Dagda is a chief god and father figure in Irish mythology, known for his abundance and generosity.

Who is the Celtic god of sleep?

Caer Ibormeith

Pagan holidays from roman and Celtic festivals?

Roman Holy Days Sunday is the Roman Holy day of the Sun God. It is from the Roman old religion Sunday became the Holy day of the week to worship the Sun God. Full moon day wasl also a holy day for the Romans to honour the Roman Goddess Diana of the Moon. Celtic Holy Days Celts celebrated the seasonal festivals to honour the Sun God, and the cycles of nature (seasons and cross quarters). Among Celts there are eight seasonal celebrations; Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughsadh, Mabon.