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Q: Which Chinese invention has had a greater effect on world history- the magnetic compass or gunpowder why do you think so?
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Which Chinese invention has had a greater effect on world history-the magnetic compass or gunpowder?

The compass as this allowed greater trade options not just for the Chinese but the world in general

What Chinese invention has had a greater effect on world history. the magnetic compass or gunpowder?

The shape of the banana made people facinated and looked on it like it was their dick

Explain how the chinese inventions of paper the magnetic compass and gunpowder have influenced our world?

The Chinese invention of rice paper truly influenced the world. Like Greek parchment, Chinese paper made writing especially easier. The magnetic compass also allowed the world to understand time and direction. Gunpowder, of course, helped the world militarily and for hunting purposes.

List the cause and effect connections between the Chinese invation of the Magnetic compass and Zheng He's voyage?

The cause is the Chinese invention of the magnetic compass. The effect is the voyage of Zheng He. The invention of the magnetic compass allowed Zheng He to make his voyage.

Which Chinese inventions has had a greater effect on the world history magnetic compass or gunpowder?

The compass as this allowed greater trade options not just for the Chinese but the world in general

What was the most important Chinese invention ever?

It is the 4 Great Inventions, they are the compass, gunpowder, paper, and printing.

What impact did invention of tang and song china have?

The magnetic compass, it helped the Chinese find direction.

When was the first magnetic compass invented?

The magnetic compass is an old Chinese invention, first made in China. but the first was made in the Qin dynasty in 221-206 BC

What did Chinese people Ivent?

They invented the magnetic compass, the wheelbarrow, the ancient abacus, gunpowder, silk, chopsticks, noodles and paper.

Did Romans invent paper money?

NO....... Chinese did. No European country invented printing press, paper, magnetic compass, gunpowder, etc... before the Chinese did. Chinese were the greatest inventors of all time.

What invention were made in China's early history?

the compass, gunpowder, and printing

The three most important invention in recent time?

gunpowder compass printing