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Q: Which Elements of comedy are NOT used by Shakespeare in the Merchant of Venice?
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What type of play is The Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice was written by William Shakespeare. It is considered a comedy. The main character is Antonio, the merchant.

Is The Merchant of Venice a musical?

No. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice is a tragic comedy, not a musical. However, several films have been made based off of The Merchant of Venice.

Is The Merchant of Venice a tragedy or a comedy?

The Merchant of Venice, despite its blatant antisemitism, is considered a 'romance' by top Shakespeare scholars because it has no decisive style as do most of Shakespeare's plays.

Is the play The Merchant of Venice a comedy?

It is a comedy but it has a tragic subplot.

What were William Shakespeare's dark comdies?

All's Well that Ends Well, Measure for Measure, The Merchant of Venice, and Troilus and Cressida (if you can even call this last a comedy) are all significantly darker than most of Shakespeare's comedies.

What play by William Shakespeare has 'OF' in the title?

Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Comedy of Errors, Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice; The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, are but some of Shakespeare's plays having Of in the title.

how many of Shakespeare's play titles include the word of?

Timon of Athens. The Taming of the Shrew. The Comedy of Errors. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. The Merchant of Venice. Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.

What are two of the most popular comedy plays that Shakespeare wrote?

A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Taming of the Shrew have always been very popular. Close behind are Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing and The Merchant of Venice.

Why The Merchant of Venice a comedy?

It is considered a comedy because in Shakespeare's time, "comedy" did not mean what it does today; it meant a situation which ends well for the main characters (i.e., nobody good dies). In addition, it usually ends with marriage between the characters, and the tone may be lighter overall. So while there may not be outright "funny" lines or plots, the play is a "feel good" play for the day.

What genres did shakespeare use in his plays?

History, comedy and tragedy, of course. As You Like It contains elements of pastoral. Some scholars have identified other genres: romance, in the fairytale plots of Cymbeline or A Winter's Tale; fantasy, in the tales of magic The Tempest and A Midsummer Night's Dream; tragicomedy, in the dark comedies like Measure for Measure and The Merchant of Venice. And then there is Troilus and Cressida, which is almost nihilistic.

Is The Merchant of Venice a comedy for all other characters but a tragedy for shylock?

Pretty much. Jessica, it would appear, is not totally happy with her choice to marry Lorenzo, but her life could be worse.

Is merchant of Venice just a comedy?

Not really, because the subplot about Shylock is rather sad. Shylock does not die, but he is horribly mistreated and forced to change his religion on pain of death. Over the years, the tragic subplot of Shylock has come to overshadow the comic plot of Bassanio and Portia. If an actor wants to star in The Merchant of Venice, the part he wants to play is Shylock, not Bassanio.