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Q: Which European power was the first to establish trading ports along the west African coast after circumnavigating Africa?
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When did the first European trade settlements begin to appear in Africa?

Portugal began to establish trading posts in Africa in the early 1400s.

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African tribes lacked the technology to make European manufactured goods.

Which Europeans were the first to establish ports along the West African coast?

Multiple groups have set up trading settlements along East Africa's coast. A couple of the first groups to do so were the Indian and Muslim Groups. Also, the originating trading began as African culture, so the African group would be apart of the trading settlements as well.

Which European country became a major trading partner with West African empires in the late 1400s?

Portugal, I got this answer from the SOL test so this is correct.

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It was a trading empire.

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The country controlling European trading rights would be Portugal.

Where did it establish its first trading centre in India?

in surat