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Q: Which Facebook app shows you the top people that you talk to along with the number of messages you have sent each other?
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the messages were sent by people. there would be towers that a people would drop their messages off at, and the people that were in the towers would then pass the message on, therefor it would travel up and dow the wall

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The messages along the great wall of china are ancient messages from the gods of sorrow, they send these messages to weap with sorrow for all of the lives lost on the great wall of china

Is 123 greetings a free program that can be found on facebook?

123greetings is a free program application that works along side of Facebook. This new application provides access to a large number of e-cards for Facebook users.

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They send the messages along some cords ing your body from the brain to where ever, and then you do what they say.

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In which i do not know...sorry! :(

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Fast pain messages travel along the lateral pain system. Slower pain messages travel along the medial pain system.

How do you search for people on Facebook without registering?

To search for people on Facebook without registering, you can use search engines like Google to look for the person's name along with "Facebook" to see if their profile appears in the search results. You can also try using social media search engines or people search websites, which may provide some information from public Facebook profiles. However, to access full profiles and connect with people on Facebook, you will typically need to create an account.

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Go on my messages and go along and it says notepad!

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