

Which IDE can be used to develop NET Framework?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Visual Studio from Microsoft, and CodeGear from Borland.

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Q: Which IDE can be used to develop NET Framework?
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What is the difference between framework and IDE?

IDE is just the development environment while the Framework is the backbone of compiling the code.IDE's :Visual StudioJbuilderjdevelopereclipsenetbeansand so onBut Framework for .Net programmers is different than what Java programmers understandFramework for java programmers is:Spring FrameworkStruts FrameworkShine Enterprise Java PatternFramework for .net programmers Framework Framework Framework Framework Framework 4

Which IDE can be used to develope the NET Framework?

While an IDE is not a requirement for developing .Net Framework-targetted programs, they certainly make the job easier. The standard development package is the one offered by Microsoft, Visual Studio. Visual Studio has several different versions available for your needs, from Express editions that are free, to Enterprise-quality development environments that integrate with their Team Foundation System. Another excellent package is called SharpDevelop. This is a free, opensource IDE.

Fullform of IDE in java?

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment IDE is a tool using which you can develop Java applications. Ex: Eclipse, WSAD, Net Beans etc.

What are the differences between net framework and net compact framework?

Net framework is used to develop normal desktop/Web application where as compact framework is the one used to develop / run mobile applications. The Compact Framework is also a subset of the .Net framework. If you look at the MSDN documentation for a given framework method, such as this one [] which is the member list for the System.Collection.Generic.List class, you will see small logos next to the method/member names. If you see what looks like a small phone icon, that indicates that method is available on the Compact Framework. As an aside, the smaller "X" icon means it is available on the XNA framework, which is targeted for gaming development on the XBox 360 and Windows.

What is the use of dot net in a computer?

A computer doesn't require .NEt framework for its normal functioning. The framework on the other hand is generally installed if one is looking to develop .NET applications.

What is the .NET framework used for?

The .Net framework serves as the runtime for applications that were built to target the Common Language Runtime.

What is the latest version download for net framework?

Current version of the NET Framework is NET Framework 4 .

Explain the difference between net platform and dot net framework?

.net platform supports programming languages that are .net compatible. It is the platform using which we can build and develop the applications. .net framework is the engine inside the .net platform which actually compiles and produces the executable code. .net framework contains CLR(Common Language Runtime) and FCL(Framework Class Library) using which it produces the platform independent codes.

What is Netframework used for?

Net framework is used as a framework software and is only available with Microsoft Windows operating system. With Net Framework, one can create buttons, toolbars, menus and other window commands.

Which Software to be installed for dot net framework?

The software you need to install for the .NET framework is the .NET framework.

What is Mocrosoft NET Framework 4?

Microsoft .Net Frame work is the frame work, on top of that we can able to develop and ex cute application.

.net is the programming language?

No. .NET is a framework, not a programming language. It is the common framework used by the C#, F# and Visual Basic programming languages.