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the native americans

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Q: Which Native American peoples settled in the south east region?
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Which native American peoples settled in the southwest region?

Hopi, Acoma, and Zuni

What are the names of the native American peoples who live in the southwestern region?


How does the teo languages and religion of central America and Mexico of the region reflect its history?

Because both regions were conquered and settled by Spanish conquistadors during the 16th century. They imposed several traits such as customs, language and religion to the conquered, Native American peoples found throughout the region.

Why do most people in Mexico and central America belong to the catholic church today?

Because both regions were conquered and settled by Spanish conquistadors during the 16th century. They imposed several traits such as customs, language and religion to the conquered, Native American peoples found throughout the region.

What were Delawares first known inhabitants?

The Delaware Valley and River region is understood to have been settled by two native American tribal groups. The Delaware Indians settled to the north, while the Leni Lenape were in the south.

The north American region that is the largest and the least densely settled is the?

The Northern Frontier is the North American region that is the largest. It is also the least densely settled area as well.

What were the effects of the explorers explorations on the native peoples already in the region?

they moved

What were the effects of the explorer's explorations on the native peoples already in the region?

they moved

What region did Mohawks settled in?

The Iroquois Indians are Native American people that lived in the Northeastern U.S. The area is also referred to as the Eastern Woodlands region.

Why did people settle in Alabama?

Native American's settled that region around 60,000 years before Columbus was born, colonists settled it because they wanted the land and could kill the present land owners to take it.

What were the effects of la salle's explorations on the native peoples already in the region?

they got hurt

The North American region which is the largest and the least densely settled is the?
