

Which Nerf gun is bigger than a recon cs6 or vulcan ebf25?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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There are two: The 2010 N-Strike Stampede ECS and the 2000 Power Nerf Ballzooka MP150.

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Q: Which Nerf gun is bigger than a recon cs6 or vulcan ebf25?
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Nerf recon or vulcan what is better and why?

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it was meant to be out in march 09 along with the vucan ebf-25 and recon, but they got rid of that idea and just made the Vulcan andt the Recon. It's available in one place but it's £65 :(

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i think it was the Nerf vulcan but im not sure Nerf Vulcan EBF-25 to be exact.

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Which stores sell the Nerf Vulcan?

Hello, it appears as if has numerous Nerf Vulcan guns on sale. Another place that has confirmed Nerf Vulcan guns on sale would be

What is the difference between the Nerf Vulcan and the Nerf havok fire?

nothing its just the English name for the vulcan