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Q: Which Photochemical reactions proceed only under the influence of light are called?
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Why is the second stage of photosynthesis called light independent reaction?

The light-independent reactions are sometimes referred to as the dark reactions, though that term may be misleading as they do not actually require darkness to proceed. The term "light-independent" is used to emphasize that the reactions occur regardless of the amount of light present as long as the proper substrate compounds are available. Even this term can be criticized, however, as the availability of substrates in plants depends on photosynthesis, so the reactions cannot be said to be entirely "light-independent." Furthermore, the term "dark reactions" may be more accurate in CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) plants, which only take up CO2, which is necessary for the reactions to proceed, at night.

How isotope affect the formation of compound?

Practically the isotopic composition of an element has almost no influence on the reactivity. In the specific case of hydrogen, there's something called the kinetic isotope effect. Deuterium is twice the mass of normal hydrogen, which is a proportionally much greater difference than other elements. Reactions involving deuterium proceed at a significantly slower rate than reactions involving regular hydrogen.

What Enzymes Are Called?

Enzymes are also called biological catalysts. They speed up the rate of biochemical reactions. Metabolic processes such as digestion would take months to proceed without the help pf digestive enzymes.

What do you mean by photochemical reaction?

A primary photochemical reaction is the immediate consequence of the absorption of light. Subsequent chemical changes are called secondary processes.

What are reactions between an acid and a base called?

Such reactions are called neutralization reactions.

A type of pollution that forms when nitrogen and carbon compounds are exposed to sunlight is called?

photochemical smog

Why aldol condensation is called condensation reaction?

All condensation reactions proceed with formation of water (H2O). If you look at the reaction mechanism for Aldol condensation, you will observe that water is formed as an end-product of the reaction.

What is photochemical fog?

It forms when photons of sunlight hit moleculesof different kinds of pollutants in the atmosphere. The photons make chemical reactions happen. The pollution molecules turn into other kinds of nasty chemicals. That mixture of bad chemicals is called photochemical smog. The chemicals in photochemical smog include nitrogen oxides, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), ozone, and PAN (peroxyacytyl nitrate). Nitrogen oxides mostly come from the engines of cars and trucks. VOCs are given off by paint, gasoline, and pesticides. Ozone is a form of oxygen that is harmful. PAN is a type of pollution that is made by chemical reactions between other kinds of pollution. Natural and artificially emitted hydrocarbons in the presence of oxides of nitrogen undergo photochemical reactions which produce a cloud of toxic chemicals including ozone and a variety of harmful chemical gaseous and particulate agents. This process is powered by sunlight and some of the products, such as ozone, reach a peak soon after photon flux from the sun reaches a maximum, around midday. The thermal inversions often associated with some cities can lead to a dangerous buildup of smog in urban areas. Human deaths have been attributed to photochemical smog since the Industrial Revolution in cities such as London and New York.

Synthesis and decomposition reactions in an organism are called .?

All of the decomposition reactions in an organism taken together is called catabolism, while the synthesis reactions are called anabolism.