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It was an unofficial requirement traditionally, but was ( etched in stone) by the reforms of the Council of Trent, in roughly, Elizabethan times. The fact that nearly all Protestant churches had married clergy shocked the Vatican establishment .

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Q: What pope declared celibacy among the clergy?
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What was Pope John Paul II's opinion on celibacy?

AnswerAs Pope and leader of the Roman Catholic Church, John Paul II believed in celibacy for all clergy, and for all persons outside marriage.

Was it the Eastern Church or Western Church that accepted the authority of the pope and celibacy?

It was the Western Church that accepted the authority of the pope and celibacy. This led to the Great Schism in 1054, which resulted in the separation of the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East. The Eastern Orthodox Church did not recognize the authority of the pope and allowed married clergy.

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According to current Church law, the pope does need to live in celibacy. This is a law of the Church, however, and can be changed by the Church.

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The popes are normally chosen from the younger Cardinals, at least this has been common practice of the Catholic Church for the last thousand years or so. All Catholic clergy take a solemn vow of celibacy before they are ordained to the deaconate. The Eastern Rites and the Latin Rite (with regard to permanent deacons) allow married men to be ordained but they still take a vow of celibacy, which means they could not remarry if their wife died, and only celibate clergy are chosen to be Bishops. So, there is no likelihood of a married man being chosen for pope, and no clergy may ever marry, in other words, Pope Benedict has never had a wife.He is a Roman Catholic Priest, and they are not allowed to get married.

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Pope John Paul II declared Juan Diego a saint.

What is the Catholic clergy?

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The highest rank of the Christian clergy is a Bishop. The highest ranking Bishop is the Pope.

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The highest rank of the Christian clergy is a Bishop. The highest ranking Bishop is the Pope.

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