



The Pope is the Bishop of Rome and is leader of the worldwide Catholic Church. The Pope is also head of state of the Vatican City, a sovereign city-state entirely enclaved by Rome.

2,798 Questions

Who is the pope and where does he live?

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Normally, a pope would live in the Papal Apartments of the Apostolic Palace. Pope Francis, however, has chosen to live in a modest apartment in the Casa Santa Marta, the Vatican guest house where cardinals reside when taking part in a papal conclave.

What is the smallest country in the world that contains the pope?

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Vatican City is the smallest country in the world and is the sovereign state where the Pope resides. Covering only 44 hectares, Vatican City is an independent city-state enclaved within Rome, Italy.

Can you show on a map where the pope lives?

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The Pope resides in Vatican City, a walled enclave within Rome, Italy. Vatican City is the smallest independent state in the world and is located on the west bank of the Tiber River. You can find it on a map by looking for the tiny country completely surrounded by the city of Rome.

What is the difference between values education and religious education?

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Values education focuses on teaching universal values such as honesty, respect, and responsibility, whereas religious education focuses on teaching specific religious beliefs, practices, and traditions associated with a particular faith. Values education aims to develop students' moral character and decision-making skills, while religious education aims to impart knowledge and understanding of a specific religious tradition.

What was the name of the encyclical written in 1937?

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The encyclical written in 1937 was called "Mit brennender Sorge," which means "With Burning Anxiety." It was written by Pope Pius XI and addressed issues related to the Church in Germany under the Nazi regime.

Is Alexander Pope a pope?

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No, Alexander Pope was not a pope in the religious sense. He was an English poet and satirist who lived during the 18th century and is known for works like "The Rape of the Lock" and his translation of Homer's "Iliad."

What does the 'Beau ideal' by Jessie Pope mean?

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"Beau Ideal" by Jessie Pope reflects the conventional attitudes and glorification of war prevalent during the time of its publication. It portrays war as a noble and heroic endeavor, emphasizing the masculine virtues of courage and patriotism. Pope's poem celebrates the idealized image of the soldier as a valiant hero, serving his country with honor and selflessness.

Pope's An Essay on Man is based on the ideas of who?

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Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Man" is based on the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Isaac Newton. The poem explores the themes of human nature, morality, and the role of reason in understanding the world. Pope expresses a belief in a harmonious, ordered universe governed by a benevolent deity.

Has there ever been a female pope?

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- No, there has never been a female pope. There is a myth about a Pope Joan that in recent times has been revived, but which has be clearly rebutted by scholars.

Wikipedia has a good outline of the Pope Joan myth here: (link below)

- Roman Catholic AnswerThe Pope is the Bishop of Rome, if he is not a Bishop when elected to the Papacy, he is tonsured, ordained a lector, then an acolyte, then a deacon, then a priest, and finally consecrated a bishop. Up until the ninth century, bishops were never elected popes as bishops never moved out of their diocese. Regardless, he is always a bishop, and only a man can be consecrated a bishop, so, no, there has never been a female pope.

- In the legend she was supposed to have been very talented, and, disguised as a man, to have risen through the church hierarchy to become pope, sometime in the Middle Ages.

It has been a popular story since the thirteenth century, but no one has ever found any reason to believe it actually happened.

Since there have always been women who felt they were really men, it is most likely that one was unmasked trying to become a priest. This would have started a rash of 'what if she hadn't been discovered' stories, culminating in the Pope Joan myth.

Which book was the first work of fiction to be blessed by the Pope?

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The first work of fiction to be blessed by the Pope was "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ" by Lew Wallace. It was blessed by Pope Leo XIII in 1890.

What is the explanation of universal prayer by Alexander Pope?

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Alexander Pope's universal prayer is a plea for humility, wisdom, and contentment. It emphasizes the importance of accepting life's uncertainties and trusting in a higher power for guidance and strength. The prayer encourages individuals to focus on inner peace and spiritual fulfillment rather than material wealth or success.

Who was the oldest Pope in history?

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Pope Benedict XVI was one of the oldest popes in history, serving until he abdicated in 2013 at the age of 85. However, Pope Leo XIII holds the record for the oldest pope, serving until he died in 1903 at the age of 93.

Is it true that if you find a rosary on the ground and pick it brings you bad luck?

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Is picking a rosary I found on the road symbolic of good luck

Had the pope been married before he was a priest?

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No, according to Catholic Church doctrine, priests are required to be celibate and are not permitted to marry.

Which pope is in power 2009?

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Pope Benedict XVI was in power in 2009.

Where was Pope Urban ll in April 1095?

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In April 1095, Pope Urban II was in Piacenza, Italy. From there, he issued the call for the First Crusade in November of that year.

What is a common name for a pope starting with I?

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A common name for a pope starting with "I" is Pope Innocent. There have been several popes with this name throughout history, with Pope Innocent III being one of the most notable.

What does the pope do for fun?

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The specific recreational activities of the Pope can vary depending on the individual. However, many popes have been known to enjoy reading, writing, listening to music, participating in sports, and spending time with loved ones. Ultimately, the Pope, like anyone else, engages in activities that bring them joy and relaxation.

Who has the second shortest papacy?

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Currently, Pope Urban VII holds the record for the second shortest papacy in history. He was elected as pope on September 15, 1590, and unfortunately died just 13 days later on September 27, 1590.

Was it the Eastern Church or Western Church that accepted the authority of the pope and celibacy?

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It was the Western Church that accepted the authority of the pope and celibacy. This led to the Great Schism in 1054, which resulted in the separation of the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East. The Eastern Orthodox Church did not recognize the authority of the pope and allowed married clergy.

What pope who met with Attila the Hun?

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Pope Leo I, also known as Pope Leo the Great, is the pope who met with Attila the Hun. In 452 AD, Leo I traveled to meet Attila and successfully convinced him to spare the city of Rome from a planned invasion. This meeting is considered a significant event in the history of the papacy.

Why is a major street in Macon GA named for Pope Pius IX?

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The major street in Macon, GA named for Pope Pius IX is due to the Catholic population in the area. Pope Pius IX was a significant figure in the Catholic Church, serving as the longest-reigning pope in history. Naming a street after him is a way to honor and recognize his contributions to the church, particularly for the local Catholic community in Macon.

Which city has the pope for its bishop?

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Vatican City is the city that has the Pope as its bishop.

Who was the 17th Catholic pope?

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The 17th Catholic pope was Pope Marcellus I. He served as the pope from 308 to 309 AD during a period of persecution against Christians. He is known for his efforts to restore order and unity within the church.

Which pope lasted only one day and this would have been in this century?

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Pope John Paul I, born Albino Luciani, was elected as the pope on August 26, 1978, but his papacy lasted only 33 days. He died unexpectedly on September 28, 1978, leading to widespread speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding his death.