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Q: Which Presidents were appointed to Supreme Court?
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What presidents never appointed a us supreme court justice?

Jimmy Carter

How many us presidents have been appointed to the supreme court?

William Howard Taft is the only person to serve as president and one the Supreme Court.

How many us supreme court justices have been appointed by democratic presidents?

On the current court, four were appointed by Democrats. Clinton appointed Ginsburg and Breyer; Obama appointed Sotomayer and Kagan.

What president left a strong legacy by appointing 4 justices to the supreme court?

There were multiple presidents that appointed 4 justices to the Supreme Court. There are also numerous others who appointed more than 4. The presidents who appointed exactly 4 justices include: Grant Benjamin Harrison Harding Truman Nixon

Did Zachary Taylor have any supreme court appointees?

No. He was one of 4 Presidents that never appointed anyone to the justice.

Supreme court justices are appointed by the president with?

Supreme court justices are appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate.

How do supreme court justices get to supreme court?

they have to be appointed by the president and approved by the senate

How are supreme court justices appointedhe?

Supreme court justices are appointed by the president.

In what year were the most US Supreme Court justices appointed?

1789, when the first Supreme Court (of six members) was appointed by Washington.

Is the Supreme Court democratic?

In 2014 the U.S. Supreme Court consists of four Justices who were appointed by Democratic presidents and five Justices, including the Chief Justice, who were appointed by Republican presidents.Barack Obama appointed Justices Sotomayor and Kagan.George W. Bush appointed Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts.Bill Clinton appointed Justices Ginsburg and Breyer.George H. W. Bush appointed Justice Thomas.Ronald Reagan appointed Justices Kennedy and Scalia.

Which Court justices are appointed for life?


Are members elected or appointed for supreme court?

The U.S. Supreme Court members are not elected by the people. They are nominated by the President and voted on by the Congress.