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King Phillip

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Q: Which Spanish king sent an Armada to invade England?
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Which king sent the spanish armada to England?

King Philip the Second

What Monarch tried to invade England with the Armada but failed?

King Phillip II of Spain

What king sent the spanish armada against England?

Phillip ll

Who was king of England during the Spanish armada invasion?

There was a Queen, Elizabeth 1

Who was the spanish king who tried and failed to invade England with the spanish armarda?

Phillip II

Was the spanish armada an important trade route to england?

No. The Spanish Armada was a fleet of naval vessels sent by the king of Spain in an attempt to conquer Britain in the late 16th century. It failed.

Who was the catholic king of spain who launched the spanish armada in an attempt to punish protestants in england?

Philip II

What military maneuver did King Phillip of Spain use to convert England back to Catholicism?

the spanish armada

Which spanish king sent a fleet to invade England near the end of the sixteenth century?

King Philip II

Why did King Philip invade England?

Philip IV wanted to invade England to stop the alliance between England and the Netherlands and to restore it to Catholicism. After years of what he considered to be provocation by Elizabeth I, her refusal of his marriage proposal, her refusal to acknowledge it was he who instigated a reunion with her sister, Mary I, that saved her life and her involvement in the Netherlands that aligned her with another protestant monarch, Philip launched the Spanish Armada against England.

Why the Spanish armada was attacking England?

the spanish armada attacked England because Queen Elizabeth I refused to marry king Phillip II of Spain also Elizabeth didn't stop british sea captains from stealing spanins gold

Who was reigning monarch in the Spanish armada?

Queen Elizabeth in England and King Philip in Spain.