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That would be the Lincoln cent, a design in use since 1909. Also, the 2005 Jefferson nickel.

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Q: Which US coin has a president that faces to the right?
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When year did they put presidents faces on coins?

The Lincoln penny of 1909 was the first US coin with a president's face on it.

Which president is the only one facing to the right on US coins?

Abraham Lincoln faces to the right because the design of the coin was based on a medal that had his image that direction. Also, Jefferson's portrait faces right on the Westward Journey nickels struck in 2005, so Lincoln is not the only president facing that direction. The choice of direction for a portrait is purely artistic. There is no law or political reason for the selection.

Who is the only president facing right on a US coin?

Lincoln. Sorry, but Jefferson is also facing right on the 2005 5 Cents coin, also, some of the Presidents on the Presidential dollars face right.

Who is faces on a dime?

A portrait of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, has appeared on the US dime (ten cent) coin since 1946.

Whose picture is on the one dolllar coin?

In 2000, Sacajawea was put on the back of the US Dollar coin, to honor her journey with Lewis and Clark across America. In 2007, the government began a program called the President $1 Coin. This is where they have put each of the presidents faces on the coin in the order that they became president. These coins are for collector use.

What coin is the 35th president on?

The 35th President of the US, John F. Kennedy, is on the half dollar coin

What is on a 10cent coin?

The US 10 cent coin has president Roosevelt.

What president is shown on the quarter?

George Washington, the first US president, is on the US quarter dollar coin.

Does a president have to be on every US coin?

No. There are many presidents that were never even on a single coin.

What US coin that feature a president image twice?

The One Dollar United States coin is the coin that features the image of the president twice. This is as a result of the Presidential Coin Act of 2005.

Was Lincoln first president on us coin?

Yes, in 1909.

What coin shows the third president of the US face on?
