

Best Answer
  1. Washington;
  2. Maryland; and,
  3. Maine.
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Q: Which US states have passed a ballot initiative legalizing same-sex marriage?
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An example of a local initiative is?

a county ballot initiative to limit development in backcountry.

Has a ballot measure concerning same-sex marriage been put before voters in Washington DC?

No. No ballot initiative concerning same-sex marriage has ever been put before residents of the District of Columbia.

How do you begin an initiative?

A set number of registered voters sign a petition to put a initiative on the ballot. It then goes to the state election office and they validate the voter petitions. If it passes the correct number of signed registered voters it goes to be written properly for the ballot and written for the ballot. The economic affect of the initiative is also studied and placed with the initiative in the ballot.

What is an initiative of legislation?

A set number of registered voters sign a petition to put a initiative on the ballot. It then goes to the state election office and they validate the voter petitions. If it passes the correct number of signed registered voters it goes to be written properly for the ballot and written for the ballot. The economic affect of the initiative is also studied and placed with the initiative in the ballot.

What is the next step after the initiative?

A set number of registered voters sign a petition to put a initiative on the ballot. It then goes to the state election office and they validate the voter petitions. If it passes the correct number of signed registered voters it goes to be written properly for the ballot and written for the ballot. The economic affect of the initiative is also studied and placed with the initiative in the ballot.

What is a voters initiative?

A set number of registered voters sign a petition to put a initiative on the ballot. It then goes to the state election office and they validate the voter petitions. If it passes the correct number of signed registered voters it goes to be written properly for the ballot and written for the ballot. The economic affect of the initiative is also studied and placed with the initiative in the ballot.

How does an initiative lead to a proposition?

An initiative is a process that allows citizens to propose new laws or changes to existing ones. If enough signatures are gathered in support of the initiative, it can lead to it being placed on the ballot as a proposition. The proposition is then voted on by the general public, and if it receives a majority vote, it becomes law.

What is the name for a ballot question that asks if the constitutions should be changed?

The ballot would be a referendum or initiative, and the change would be an amendment.

How is a ballot initiative an example of direct democracy?

A ballot initiative takes a propose law directly to the voters for approval, rather than let it be argued in a legislative body. Before the propose law can be placed on the ballot, a petition to do so must be signed by a minimum number of registered voters.

How do you get a proposition on the ballot nationally?

There is no way to have a ballot proposition for the entire United States. Some states, such as California, permit "initiative and referendum" which allow citizens to write their own ballot propositions, but not all states do. The government of the Unites States is a "representative republic", not a democracy. Citizens do not vote directly on the issues; citizens elect representatives to act in our names. The Federal government has no provision to allow citizens to vote directly on government policies.

What is the initiative method?

The initiative method is a way to prioritize tasks by determining which ones are most important or urgent. It involves assigning a level of importance or priority to each task in order to focus on completing the most critical ones first. This method helps individuals or teams effectively manage their time and resources.

Which political reform gave people the power to put a proposed law on a the ballot?
