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Potassium Dichromate (VI) can be acidified with sulphuric acid AND hydrochloric acid!

Note that another common oxidising agent ' Acidified Potassium Manganate (VII)' is sometimes used although this one can only be acidified with sulphuric acid not hydrochloric as the Manganate (VII) oxodises the Cl- ion instead!

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1d ago

Sulfuric acid is typically added to potassium dichromate to acidify it for various chemical reactions.

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13y ago

No, potassium chromate is not acidic as it is a salt of Strong base(K+ ion) and Strong acid(H2CrO4). So, it is neutral.

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12y ago

i dont know sorry

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Q: Which acid must be added to potassium dichromate to acidify it?
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What is the product of reacting potassium dichromate with hydrochloric acid?

The reaction between potassium dichromate and hydrochloric acid forms chromic chloride, chlorine gas, and water. This reaction is a redox reaction, as the potassium dichromate is reduced while the hydrochloric acid is oxidized.

Sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate in ethanol make?

When sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate react in ethanol, they form chromium(III) sulfate, potassium sulfate, water, and carbon dioxide. This is a redox reaction where the dichromate ion is reduced to chromium(III) while sulfuric acid is acting as a catalyst. The products will vary depending on the specific conditions of the reaction.

Why does HCl not used to acidify the media in potassium permanganate titration?

HCl is not used to acidify the media in potassium permanganate titration because it can react with potassium permanganate, which can interfere with the titration results. Sulfuric acid is usually preferred as it does not react with potassium permanganate and ensures accurate titration results.

What is the chemical reaction of potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid?

When potassium dichromate reacts with sulfuric acid, the following reaction takes place: K2Cr2O7 + 2H2SO4 -> Cr2(SO4)3 + K2SO4 + 2H2O + 3O2. This reaction results in the formation of chromium(III) sulfate, potassium sulfate, water, and oxygen gas as products.

What is the reaction between acidified potassium dichromate and ethanol?

When acidified potassium dichromate is reacted with ethanol, the dichromate ion (Cr2O7^2-) is reduced to chromium(III) ion (Cr^3+). This reaction results in the formation of green chromium(III) sulfate (Cr2(SO4)3), with ethanol being oxidized to acetic acid.

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What is the chemical reaction of potassium dichromate with sulfuric acid?

When potassium dichromate reacts with sulfuric acid, the following reaction takes place: K2Cr2O7 + 2H2SO4 -> Cr2(SO4)3 + K2SO4 + 2H2O + 3O2. This reaction results in the formation of chromium(III) sulfate, potassium sulfate, water, and oxygen gas as products.

Sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate in ethanol make?

When sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate react in ethanol, they form chromium(III) sulfate, potassium sulfate, water, and carbon dioxide. This is a redox reaction where the dichromate ion is reduced to chromium(III) while sulfuric acid is acting as a catalyst. The products will vary depending on the specific conditions of the reaction.

What is the product of reacting potassium dichromate with hydrochloric acid?

The reaction between potassium dichromate and hydrochloric acid forms chromic chloride, chlorine gas, and water. This reaction is a redox reaction, as the potassium dichromate is reduced while the hydrochloric acid is oxidized.

What is the reaction between acidified potassium dichromate and ethanol?

When acidified potassium dichromate is reacted with ethanol, the dichromate ion (Cr2O7^2-) is reduced to chromium(III) ion (Cr^3+). This reaction results in the formation of green chromium(III) sulfate (Cr2(SO4)3), with ethanol being oxidized to acetic acid.

Why is nitric acid added before silver nitrate to test for bromine?

Nitric acid is added before silver nitrate in the bromine test to oxidize any interfering substances that could react with silver nitrate. This helps to prevent false positive results and ensures that the precipitation reaction with silver nitrate is due to the presence of bromide ions.

What chemicals are oxidant?

Examples: potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, oxygen, ozone, nitric acid, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, fluorine, chlorine, potassium perchlorate etc.

What is the formula for acidified potassium dichromate?

This is a mixture of 2K+ and Cr2O72- ions in strong sulfuric acid, made from potassium chromate.2CrO4- + 2H+ ----> Cr2O72- + H2Ochromate-yellow -> dichromate-orangeNote:Potassium ions do NOT react, they are tribune-ions

Why is sulfuric acid added to sodium ethanedioate and hydrated ethanedioic acid?

to acidify the solution so that it can become a good oxidising agent

How chromic acid is prepared from potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid?

Chromic acid can be prepared by mixing potassium dichromate with concentrated sulfuric acid. The reaction produces a solution of chromic acid which can then be used in various applications, such as cleaning and passivation of metals. Additionally, proper safety measures should be followed when working with chromic acid due to its hazardous nature.

What is the formula of acidified potassium permanganate?

There is not one formula for acidified potassium permanganate, it is a mixture, not a pure compound. Next to water it contains: H+ and K+ and MnO4- Warning: Do NOT use hydrochloric acid to acidify!

What is the chemical reaction of potassium dichromate with nitric acid?

K2Cr2O7 + 5HNO3 = 2KNO3 +Cr2(NO3)3 +5/2H2O + 9/2[O]

What is the name for H2Cr2O7 acid?

H2Cr207 is also known as chromic acid.