

Which act was passed before Boston Massacre?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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The Stamp Tax of 1765.

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Q: Which act was passed before Boston Massacre?
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Was the Boston massacre a massacre or a act of self defense?

the boston massacre was an act of murder

What acts were passed because of the Boston massacre?

Parts of the townshend acts were repealed after the Boston massacre but the tax on tea was still in effect which eventually led to the Boston tea party

Was the Boston massacre before or after the Tea Act?

Before. It was 1770 and the tea party was 1773.

What act was after the Boston Massacre?

townshead act

Witch came first the Boston Tea Party or the Boston massacre?

The Boston Massacre happened in 1770 and the Boston Tea Party happened in 1773.

What act was started after the Boston massacre?

townshead act

What did the colonists call the four laws that parliament passed to punish the colonists of Massachusetts?

The Intolerable act, Proclamation of 1773, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party.

What act by a custom officers began a series of events that led to the Boston massacre?

The Townshend Acts, a series of acts passed, beginning in 1767 were the acts that eventually led to the Boston Massacre. Anger over the Townshend Acts led to the occupation of Boston by British troops in 1768, which eventually resulted in the Boston Massacre of 1770.

What act by custom officers began a series of events that led to the Boston massacre?

The Townshend Acts, a series of acts passed, beginning in 1767 were the acts that eventually led to the Boston Massacre. Anger over the Townshend Acts led to the occupation of Boston by British troops in 1768, which eventually resulted in the Boston Massacre of 1770.

What act by custom officers began a series of event's that led to the Boston massacre?

The Townshend Acts, a series of acts passed, beginning in 1767 were the acts that eventually led to the Boston Massacre. Anger over the Townshend Acts led to the occupation of Boston by British troops in 1768, which eventually resulted in the Boston Massacre of 1770.

Which happened first the stamp act or the Boston massacre?

Stamp Act was first because it occured in 1765 and Boston Massacre was second because it occured in 1770

Did stamp act die in the Boston massacre?
