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serving on a jury study island

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Q: Which action would most allow a person to play an important role in the justice system?
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An important assumption in bureaucratic justice is?

An important assumption in bureaucratic justice is the presumption of guilt. It is considered that the bureaucratic system of justice can contribute to a perception of unfairness.

Should a guilty person be defended?

In the US, that's our system of justice.

Can the justice court system give a person 6 preliminary hearings?

No, the justice court system gives a person 6 preliminary hearings. Please explain what was wrong with the question, I don't understand how that would need improvement?

Why you should be concerned about criminal justice?

All people should be concerned about criminal justice because their area's criminal justice system affects them in some way. If a person can leave their house and walk down the street without immediate fear of robbery, rape, or assault, there is a criminal justice system maintaining this safety. If a person is victimized, he should be concerned with the criminal justice system because the system is what will know how to resolve the crime.

What is the importance of ethics and morals in criminal justice?

Ethics and morals perpetuate the belief that fairness can be achieved in the criminal justice system. The basis is the assumption that a person will receive the justice they deserve.

What is Capitalism in the criminal justice system?

The rich can afford the best defense, the poor, only the worst. Pure capitalism in action.

What is delinquent juvenile mean?

A delinquent juvenile is a young person who has committed a crime or violated a law. They may be subject to the juvenile justice system rather than the adult criminal justice system.

What are some important things about being a juror?

As a juror, it is important to actively listen to all evidence presented during the trial, follow the judge's instructions on the law, remain impartial and make decisions based on the facts of the case. It is also crucial to deliberate with fellow jurors in a respectful manner to reach a fair and just verdict.

Hammurabis code has influenced your justice system?

It did not influenced the justice system. The legal code that influenced the justice system was "Justinian's code"

The most important person in the system of no17?

the king

Who was the most important person on the system of no17?

The King

Why criminal considered a superstar of the criminal juctice system?

The criminal justice system is a complex system from the moment of arrest to the moment of justice, whether the accused plead or is found guilty, or acquitted. The focus on the criminal justive system is that person-- the accused. So this is why the accused is so-called the Superstar of the justice system: if he wasn't there would be no criminal justice system. This is the same analogy as in medicine: the superstar of medicine is not the doctor, nurse, or technician: it's the patient! It is the patient who either gets better, worse, or dies.