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Q: Which action would most likely reduce concerns about how strip mining can be harm the environment?
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Which action would most likely reduce concerns about how strip mining can harm the environment?

Reclaim the ecosystem after mining

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Russians that opposed the Kamchatka mining operation did so because of concerns they had for the environment. They contended that the operations would hurt the wildlife and contaminate water sources.

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Hydraulic mining

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The mining and burning of coal is the most damaging to the environment.

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no, mining of any type is not good for the environment, it destroys the land and I feel that is wrong

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That Jan Prib is cooler than you

A career from the micro environment?


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it is helping the environment in many ways

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mining can be minimised by not being done

What is mining and how does it effect the environment?

mining companies are hiering enviromentel, sientists to help restoring the land destroyed by mining. there are regulations in the industry responsible for comtrolling polution and restoring damaged enviroment

How does platinum mining harm the environment?

No, it doesn't.