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Q: Which activity might be most beneficial to improving your mood if you are upset or depressed?
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Why are you so depressed after you eat?

After you eat something might like a gas might be going to the brain , causing you to feel depressed.

What makes a pig depressed?

He (or she) might get depressed if it knows it's gonna be Christmas dinner!!

Why are you sad after being depressed?

Sadness is often a feeling that is succeeded by depression. A depressed person might feel sad also.

Are there any tests online for depression?

There are a series of question that you can answer online to see if you might be depressed Example of these questions are,are you tired,have you lost interest in what you used to enjoy. Loss of appatite, These are only a few questions that might help you determine if you might be depressed

You think you may be depressed?

No, i think i might be bipolar, totally different.

How might you adapt an activity for a pupil who is signing?

It depends on the activity.

What might be the cause of immunodeficiency disorders?

It results from a depressed or absent immune response.

What makes a pig?

He (or she) might get depressed if it knows it's gonna be Christmas dinner!!

Can someone with depression become a nurse?

I dont think so cuz they depressed so the might not foucs on pactice being so depressed or something like that.

Is it normal for a girl at fourteen to feel depressed?

it is not normal for a girl at fourteen to feel depressed but it is common for girls in there teens to feel depressed. it also depends what that girl is depressed by. it might be from A brake up from her boyfriend but girls shouldnt really get depressed over that unless that girl has been going out with her boyfriend for. Hope this has helped. Really sorry if it hasn't

How are tornadoes beneficial to plants and animals?

The only way tornadoes might be beneficial is that they can clear out old trees, allowing new growth.

How you increase height with exercise?

You might gain a little by improving your posture, but that's about it.