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The development of language by early Homo sapiens is considered one of the most significant advances, as it enabled the transmission of complex ideas and enhanced cooperation within groups. This ability to communicate effectively played a crucial role in the success and dominance of Homo sapiens over other hominid species.

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Q: Which advance by hominid group do you think was the most significant expalin?
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Which advance by a hominid group do you think was the most significant?

cro-magons, because they made many new tools with specialized uses. marijwana is so good

Which advance by a hominid group was the most significant?

The development of bipedalism is considered one of the most significant advances by hominid groups as it enabled our ancestors to efficiently travel longer distances, free up their hands for tool use, and eventually lead to the evolution of other adaptations such as larger brain size.

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What is the name of the hominid group that humans are members of?

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Hominids are a group of primates that includes modern humans and their ancestors.

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Hominid refers to the group of primates that includes humans and their ancestors. Homo sapiens is the scientific name for modern humans, distinguishing them from other species within the Homo genus.

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Where the Franks the group that stopped the Muslim advance into France?

Yes :)