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Q: Which adventitious sounds indicates swelling of the upper airway?
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When auscultating the lungs of a patient with respiratory distressyou hear adventitious sounds This means that the patient has?


What are some adventitious sounds in the respiration?

Stridor, wheezes, rales, egophony, pectoriloquy

When someone has an upper airway obstruction you may hear sounds like?


What are the five abnormal breath sounds during vital signs?

Adventitious sounds are sounds that you hear that are not normal sounds of inspiration and expiration. Examples are 1. rales, crackles and crepitations; 2. wheeze; 3. stridor; 4. pericardial friction rub; 5. rhonchi.

Why do you confirm breath sounds after placing an avdvanced airway?

To verify it did not go down the esophagus, and went down the trachea.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal crackling sound?

Crepitus.Abnormal crackling sounds are called rales when heard on ausculation of the lungs, but called crepitus when heart in a joint, gangrenous skin, etc.

What is an apophony?

An apophony is a form of alternation of sounds within a word which indicates grammatical information.

What is the difference among wheezing ronchi stridor and crackle sounds?

Breathsound are divided into Vesicular breath sounds(Normal) and Adventitious breath sounds (abnormal). Adventitious breath sounds are divided in Continuos lung sound(>80 ms) and Discontinuos lung sounds(<20 ms). Continuos lung sounds consist of Wheeze and Rhonchi. Wheeze is high pitched musical sounds especially produced in the setting of Bronchospasm ,mucosal edema or excessive secretions. Rhonchi is lowpitched sonorous sound and may have gurgling quality.they originate in larger airways when there is excessive secretions,abnormal airway collapsibility due to repetitive rupture of surfactant film covering alveoli. Rhonchi frequently clear after cough post tussive clearing. Always ask patient to turn aside and cough if u hear abnormal breath sounds. Now coming to discontinuos sound those are Crackles or rales Coarse >10 ms and fine crackles <10 ms. Fine crackles are soft and high piched sounds,crisp in nature,they are formed by explosive opening of small airways, (terminal bronchioles to alveoli) commonly seen in acute pulmonary edema and Interstial lung disease(post tussive rale they donot clear infact become more afer coughing), Coarse crepts are caused by air bubbling through fluid they are loud and low pitched sounds produced in Pneumonia,Obstructive lung disease and chronic pulmonary edema.

Why does Oxycontin cause swelling in jands snd feet?

that sounds like a simple allergic reaction... it does not occur to everyone.

What does it indicate when a man calls you pumpkin?

It indicates that that man probably has feelings for you

Hissing sounds from a chest wound indicates what?

An Open Chest Wound (Sucking Chest Wound)

Your temperature increases and there is redness and swelling why?

Does it hurt as well? Because if so, you've won the infection quadrafecta: swelling, redness, pain, and heat (it sounds cooler in Latin: tumor, rugor, dolor, calor).