

Which age group is higher in hiv?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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it's between about... 13, 40 - Most teens are having sex, and not looking at the consequences. BUT OH WELL, THEY DIE .! THEY DIE! (: kekekeke n_n

dumb onees

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13y ago
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Q: Which age group is higher in hiv?
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Which age group had the most cases of HIV diagnosed in 2006?

In 2006, the age group that had the most cases of HIV diagnosed was young adults aged 20-29. This age group is often disproportionately affected by HIV due to a combination of factors such as risky behavior, lack of awareness, and limited access to prevention and treatment services.

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Is blood group and HIV is different?

yes it is, hiv is a disease. blood group is your type of blood.

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13 and higher, like WikiAnswers.

Can you receive anal from a hiv positive male and not get hiv?

Yes. Using a condom will protect you from catching HIV. If you do not use a condom, then the risk of catching HIV will depend on the HIV-positive partners viral load. The higher the viral load the higher the risk. Even with an undetectable viral load, HIV can still be transmitted.

Is HIV and AIDS age selective?

no you can get aids at any age.

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There is no minimum age for HIV testing. In fact, infants are often tested.

What age group is the most violent and why?

Individuals in the age group of 15-24 are often associated with higher levels of violence due to factors such as peer influence, impulsivity, and brain development. This age group is characterized by a search for identity and a higher likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors.

Can a o positive group contact hiv easly?

Blood type has never been mentioned as an inhibitor of HIV.

Which blood group is at a high risk of contracting HIV?

HIV risk is not linked to blood groups, it is linked to life style.

What age group is mostly likely to get into a fatal car crash?

Teenagers are the age group which is most likely to get into a fatal car crash. It is believed that the reason for this is that teenagers do not drive as safely and also have a higher rate of drunk driving.