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Q: Which air sample contains the most carbon dioxide?
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Related questions

What compound in air contains carbon?

Carbon is in most of the chemicals in living things and is in the air in carbon dioxide gas.

When will a carbonated beverage contain the most carbon dioxide?

If we are talking about a can or bottle that you buy at the store, it has the most carbon dioxide before you open it; once it is opened, carbon dioxide will steadily leak away. Every bubble contains carbon dioxide that is no longer dissolved in the beverage.

What gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars?

The atmosphere on Mars consists of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and contains traces of oxygen and water.[

What gas is found in magma?

Magma contains a variety of gasses, the most common of which are water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide.

Is there carbon in water?

The actual compound water, or H2O does not contain carbon. However, most water contains small amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbonic acid (H2CO3) dissolved in it.

Which organ do we excrete most of our carbon dioxide from?

Carbon dioxide is excreted from the lungs.

Which animal produces the most carbon dioxide?

Most animals produce carbon dioxide at relatively the same rate. The animals that produce the most carbon dioxide are the ones that must breathe the most rapidly.

Is carbon dioxide carbohydrates?

Yes. Carbon is the most abundant element found in living things.

What is the 5th most abundant gas in the earth's atmosphere?

This gas is carbon dioxide: 0,039 445 %.

Is carbon dioxide a hydrocarbon?

"Hydrocarbon" means something that contains only carbon and hydrogen. Coal is mainly carbon with small amounts of other materials. There are certainly hydrocarbon compounds present in coal, but for the most part it's probably more correct to think of it as an impure form of carbon.

Why is there less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in summer and spring?

During spring and summer more plants photosynthesize, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In fall and winter fewer plants are active, and some even die and decay, which releases carbon dioxide. This is more pronounced in the northern hemisphere which contains the most land mass and therefore the most plant life.

What consumes the most atmospheric carbon dioxide?

Trees and other growing vegetation remove the most carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.