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Q: Which alleles would a child have to inherit to have attached earlobes?
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What is the probability of having a child with attached earlobes when an individual with attached earlobes mates with an individual heterozygous for free earlobes?

Attached earlobes are a recessive trait. When one parent has attached earlobes and the other is heterozygous for free earlobes, the chances of any particular offspring having attached earlobes is fifty percent.

Is ear shape genetic?

yes, for the most part. The DNA in your genes code for the size, shape and structure of all your physical features- but environmental factors, such as the positioning inside the uterus, can slightly alter the outcome. this is why identical Twins, who have the exact same DNA, end up with different fingerprints

Have both parents got to have ear lobes to have a child with lobes?

No, (free) earlobes follow a simple genetic dominance relationship, where free earlobes are dominant over attached earlobes. Meaning that having one parent with free earlobes suffices for the child to also share that trait.

A child is born with attached earlobes but both parents have hanging earlobes. What are the genotypes and phenottypes fot the parents?

lets use "A" Aa and Aa aa

Is it possible to have attached earlobes if both of your parents have unattached earlobes?

Yes it is your possibility if the parents were both heterozygous(having different alleles) or hybrid with Aa and Aa, the genotypic ratio would be 1:2:1 so if you put it in a punnet square there is a 25% chance of AA, 50% chance of Aa and 25% chance of aa.

What is the probability of having a child with an attached earlobe?

Whether or not the earlobe is attached is a genetically inherited trait and so you would need to look at earlobes in your, and your partner's, families.

How do you understand that attachment of ear lobes are inherited?

Whether or not an ear lobe is attached at its base or not depends on whether or not that person's parents had attached earlobes or not. If both parents have attached earlobes, then their children will also have attached earlobes. If both parents have detached earlobes, then their children will also have detached earlobes. But if one parent has detached earlobes, while the other has attached earlobes, their child's earlobes may be detached, attached, or only slightly attached. This is because each parent provides part of the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules that exist at the center of almost every human cell. Since the cells of the body don't "know" anything, they just follow the "instructions" that DNA provides them by building themselves according to how the DNA molecule says they should be built. How this actually works is a complicated chemical process that would be better answered in a separate question, but you don't need to know how it works, only that the result is this - children get some instructions for how to build their body from their mother, and some from their father. If the instructions agree, then the cells that make up the ear will grow a definitely attached or detached earlobe. If the instructions in the child's DNA disagree, then you might get a mix, or the cells might end up paying attention only to one set of instructions or another.

Can two O neg people have an A plus baby?

NO. The alleles that lead to "O-type" blood are recessive to the alleles that lead to "A-type" blood and the child would have to inherit this "A" from one of his/her parents. Given that both parents are "O", there is nobody to inherit the "A" from. (This issue also presents with the exclusive RH- in the parents and RH+ in the child, because RH+ is dominant over the recessive RH-.)

Alleles passed from parent to child on a sex chromosome is called what?

These alleles are called sex-linked alleles or traits.

What has alleles that are passed parent to child on a sex chromosome?

Sex-linked traits have alleles that are passed from parent to child on a sex chromosome.

If not legally adopted is a child intitled to inheritence or is the wife?

If there is not will and the child is not the natural child of the deceased, and has not been adopted, they have no legal standing to inherit anything. If the child is the descendant of the wife and not the deceased, the child will get nothing directly, the wife will inherit. And if there were children of the deceased, but not the wife, those children may inherit some things.

Can A negative mother and A positive father have O negative child?

Yes, because the "O" allele is recessive paired with an "A" allele. IF both parents are heterozygous: A+O- and A-O- the there is a 1/4 chance that the child will inherit both alleles. As I am just a high school student I cannot offer any professional answer