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The 23rd Amendment.

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Q: Which amendment allowed Washington DC to have a minimum number of electoral votes?
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When did DC get 3 electoral votes?

Under the Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution, Washington, D.C. is allocated as many electors as it would have if it were a state, (but no more electors than the least populous state). Since every state has at least 3 electoral votes, Washington, D.C. is allocated 3 electoral votes. It is theoretically possible for Washington, D.C. to have more than 3 electoral votes. However, for that to happen the population in Washington, D. C. would have to be greater than the population in each of the U.S. states that have only 1 representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. Based on the size of Washington, D.C., that will not happen.

What amendment gives Washington dc 3 votes in the electoral college?

Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming have 3 electoral votes each. The District of Columbia also has 3 electoral votes.

What is the minimum number of electoral votes for a stat?

I assume you mean "state". Each state has a minimum of three electoral votes.

What is the minimum number of electoral votes for one state?


What states have only 3 electoral votes?

Three(3) is the smallest number of electoral votes that a state can have. The seven states that have this minimum number are : Alaska Delaware Montana North Dakota South Dakota Vermont Wyoming (The District of Columbia also get 3 votes due to the 23rd amendment to the Constitution. )

Which state will have more electoral votes Alaska or Michigan?

Michigan has more with 17 electoral votes. Alaska has the minimum, 3.

How does one state accumulate more than one electoral vote?

The minimum number of electoral votes per state is three.

What is the minimum salary allowed by law?

minimum wage

If a presidential candidate wins 300 electoral votes by how many electral votes did that candidate exceed the minimum number of votes required?

only if there were 598 or 599 electoral votes An absolute majority of 538 electoral votes is 270 or more.

The mimimum number of electoral votes a state may have?

The minimum is 3. There is no maximum.

What is the minimum number of the representatives allowed to a state?

The minimum number of Representatives allowed to a state is 1

What did the 26th Amendment say?

The 26th amendment limited the minimum voting age to no more than 18