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Q: Which amendment passed in 1870 banned voting restrictions for color and skin?
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Which amendment banned suffrage restrictions based on race?

The Fifteenth Amendment eliminated race as a restriction on voting.

What is the voting fee banned by the 24th amendment?

poll tax

What amendment The voting rights of 1965 was the precursor to which amendment?

The 65 voting rights act wasn't an amendment, but a bill passed by congress.

What amendment was passed during the Vietnam war?

The 26th Amendment in 1971. It lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed in order to enforce which Constitutional Amendment?

the 15th admendment

When was the first election that African Americans could vote?

The 14th Amendment was passed in 1867. It wasn't until the Voting Acts Right was passed in 1965 however, that it became illegal to stop African Americans from voting.

What are 2 ways blacks were disenfranchised from voting even after the nth amendment passed?

Literacy Tests and Property Requirements

The last group to whom the constitution granted the right to vote was what?

1971 the 26th amendment changed the voting age from 21 to 18.

What was the effect in the US of expanding voting rights?

When voting rights were extended to citizens who previously did not have voting rights, there was more pluralism in the US. When the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920, the votes granted to women expanded the numbers of people voting in the US.

How did the thirteenth amendment help expand democracy?

These three amendments helped to expand democracy by eliminating a lot of the black peoples restrictions such as voting. So more people were able to vote and participate in the democratic voting.

What does the 19th amendment protect the voting rights of?

the 19th amendment protects to voting of women

How did women contribute to Texas politics in the 1920s?

They won complete voting rights and banned alcoholic beverages until 1933, when the 18th amendment was repealed.