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informal amendment process

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Q: Which amendment process is the actions of the Executive branch in the enforcement of federal legislation?
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The actions of the Executive branch in the enforcement of federal legislation?

Informal Amendment process A+Karla aboytes :)

How do courts challenge State power in Australia?

The courts have developeda power to review the administrative actions of the executive arm of government, in the same way that the High Court is able to reveiw legislation.

What beanch can declare executive actions unconstitutional?

the executive branch

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What do officers do to illegal immigrants in the present?

Take them into custody - where they are presented for a hearing. After that law enforcemtn has no further responsibility. Law enforcement agencies are part of the Executive Branch which does not become involved in the Judicial Branches operations or actions.

How was the process of judicial review established by which courts review legislative and executive actions to determine whether they are constitutional?

The process of judicial review was established through the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison in 1803. The Supreme Court declared that it had the authority to interpret the Constitution and determine the constitutionality of laws and government actions. This established the principle that courts have the power to review and strike down legislation or executive actions that conflict with the Constitution.

Does the supreme court have to approve or ratify all treaties?

No, the Supreme Court is not a legislative body. The Executive and Legislative branches makes treaties and pass legislation; the Supreme Court has the right to evaluate the constitutionality of these actions if they are challenged by parties with standing.

What are the checks and balances for the executive branch?

Some checks and balances the Executive branch has on the other branches are: Over the Legislative branch: The President must approve of legislation the Legislative Branch has passed before that legislation becomes effective. If the President vetoes that legislation, the Legislative Branch may still pass the legislation, but it now must be by a majority of 2/3 of each house of Congress, instead of the usual simple majority. Another is that while Congress passes the laws, it is the Executive Branch that carries them out. Without the Executive branch's co-operation, the actions of the Legislative branch might not have any effect. Over the Judicial Branch: The President is the one who chooses the people who are to be the judges and justices of the Judicial Branch. In addition, the Executive Branch through its police power is the branch which enforces the judgments of the Judicial branch. Again, without the co-operation of the Executive Branch, the actions of the Judicial Branch might have no effect.

Who decides whether executive actions are constitutional?

The supreme court

What are the disadvantages of antimonopoly legislation?

One disadvantage of antimonopoly legislation is that it can be difficult to enforce effectively. Large corporations may have the resources and legal expertise to navigate loopholes or challenge enforcement actions, potentially undermining the intended impact of the legislation. Additionally, antimonopoly laws can sometimes stifle innovation and competition by creating barriers to entry for smaller businesses, as they may struggle to meet the requirements and costs associated with compliance.

The power of the Supreme Court to review state actions and legislation come from?

the states

Which branch of government determines the constitutionalism of executive actions?

The federal courts rule if someone disputes the constitutionality of an executive order.