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19th amendment

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Q: Which amendments deal with citizens voting rights?
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Twentieth-century amendments that deal with voting rights?

identify the twentieth-century amendments that deal with voting rights

Identify the twentieth-century amendments that deal with voting rights?

The 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th amendments all deal with voting rights

Which amendments deal with voting?

There are four amendments that deal with voting rights. They are the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendment.

What subject do most amendments deal with?

Most of the amendments describe the rights of American citizens. The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights.

Three of the five most recent constitutional amendments have dealt with?

Three of the five most recent amendments (23rd, 24th, and 26th) to the Constitution deal with elections and voting rights.

Which legislation made it a federal offense to interfere with a citizens right to vote?

The Fifteenth Amendment made it a federal offense to interfere with a citizen's right to vote. Apart from the 15th, the 19th and 26th Amendments also deal on individual rights to vote.

What do most of the amendments deal with?

The rights of the people.

What four amendments deal with voting issues?

15, 19, 24, and 26

What 6 amendments deal with expanding voting rights?

There are only 3 amendments dealing with suffrage: the 15th, 19th, and the 26th. The 15th amendment gave voting rights to all male citizens, the 19th amendment gave all women the right to vote, and the 26th amendment changed the voting age from 21 to 18. Technically, as the 14th Amendment defines citizenship, it also affects suffrage, as only citizens are allowed to vote. Also, the 24th Amendment forbids poll taxes (and similar items), which were used to disenfranchise many poorer blacks (even though they technically had the right to vote, they couldn't meet the "other" requirements set out by Jim Crow laws). While the 13th Amendment outlaws slavery, it does not have anything specific with suffrage (it does not grant suffrage to anyone - even though it outlawed slavery, without the 15th to grant citizenship, the 13th does not give anyone voting rights).

Amendments Four through Eight deal with rights of?

The amendments deal with, in order:Search and seizureDue process of lawsRights of the accusedCivil trialsCruel and unusual punishment.

Which amendments to the US Constitution guarantee or address voting rights?

The fifteenth amendment prohibits denying the right to vote based on race or color. The nineteenth amendment prohibits denying the right to vote based on sex and the twenty sixth amendment guarantees the right to vote to all citizens over eighteen years old.

In what document is the freedom of religion guaranteed?

For the USA, the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is the first ten Amendments to the Constitution (although only the first eight amendments deal with specific individual rights).