

Best Answer

There are a lot of animals that were hunted in the fur trade:

  • african spotted tree frog
  • austrailian spider monkey
  • canadian striped cobra
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Q: Which anamlis were hunted for the fur trade?
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Why did the fur trade start in the 1500?

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Possums have been hunted for their fur. They were originally introduced to New Zealand from Australia for the fur trade.

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Same as all big cats, loss off habitat, and hunted for the illegal fur trade.

Why are cougars hunted?

They are hunted for their fur, teeth and bones.

How did colonial fur traders get the fur?

They hunted and trapped animals to get the fur.

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What is fur in English?

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Why are leopards hunted?

leopards are hunted for there meat and fur.Leopards aren't the only big cats that were hunted. All cats were usually hunted for teeth, which can be made into jewelry. Cats with patterns on their fur are hunted so that their fur can be made into fur coats. I don't know if the cats are still being hunted, but poachers are arrested for hunting I believe.