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Q: Which ancient Greek philosopher developed a classification system for living things?
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Which person devised an animal classification system 2000 years ago?

Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, developed an early animal classification system around 2000 years ago based on characteristics such as blood and habitat.

Who was the Greek philosopher who developed the first system for classifying living things?


Who developed the first known system of living things?

Aristotle, a greek philosopher.

Who developed the first known system of classifying living things?

Aristotle, a greek philosopher.

Who developed the first classification systems for living things?

Charles Darwin

Who was the first person to developed a classification system?

Carolus Linnaeus developed the present-day classification system for animals.

Philosopher described over 500 species and came up with classification of living things contains some elements which still existed in 19th century?


What were living things classified as?

At one time, all living things were classified into two kingdoms of plants and animals. Aristotle developed this first classification system.

Who developed the modern system of classifications?

one of the first systems for classifying things was developed about 350 B.C. by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. At the time, people recognized only about 1000 different kinds of living things. in the 1700s the Swedish scientist Carl Von Linne developed a new classification system for living things. he grouped all living things into 2 major groups: the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. Next, he organized the members of each kingdom based on their features. this system became known as the Linnean system.

Who developed the way you classify living things today?

The classification system was developed by a scientist called Carl Linnaeus or also known as Carolus Linnaeus or Karl Von Linne

What did aristole do for a living?

He was a philosopher

What did Plato do for living?

he was a philosopher