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A cockroach

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Q: Which animal can survive volcanoes and hurricanes and floods and the dinosaur extinction?
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Did tortoises survive dinosaur extinction?

Yes, they sure did. Researchers are now saying that they seem to have survived the mass extinction of the dinosaurs because of their aquatic lifestyles and slow metabolisms. Basically, their bodily processes needed very little energy and were so slow that they could survive on little resources during and after the time of the dinosaurs.

What is mammal competition?

Mammal competition is a theory about the extinction of the dinosaurs. It says that mammals used up all of the dinosaur's resources, and then the dinosaurs died because they didn't have the food, space, and resources they needed to survive.

What is the Japanese manga Gon about?

It's a wordless manga that revolves around the adventures of a tiny dinosaur (Gon) who has managed to survive the extinction of his kind. He explores the world and interacts with the paleolithic creatures that now inhabit it.

What impact does extinction have on your world?

Well, the extinction of the dinosaurs makes it a lot easier for people to survive.

Do people survive hurricanes?

Most of the time lots of people survive hurricanes. Most of the time 50 to 100 people die. Normally just houses are destroyed

How do people survive in volcanoes?

Not very well...

What causes things to be extinction?

Their inability to survive en masse.

Did animals and plants survive volcanoes?

they will die or maybe some of them will die and some will survive

Can humans survive volcanoes?

No we can't we would die instantly

The dinosaur probably became extinct because they lacked adaptations to survive?

because they could not survive the cool climate

What does functional extinction mean?

Functional extinction means that there are not enough live animals (or animal protoplasm) of a certain species for the species to breed and survive.

What positive effects does hurricanes have on plants?

Hurricanes bring rain, which plants need to survive. This is especially beneficial when a hurricane hits a drought-stricken region.