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Q: Which animal has the most ear muscles and how many muscles goes it have?
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Do animal muscles have the same muscles as the human body?

Most of them are the same,if we are talking about mammals.

Why does muscles have the most mitochondria in it?

Muscles are metabolically active. Contractions of muscles cost ATP. So there are many mitochondria

What are the animal skeletal muscles that you eat?

if you mean ribs it can be any animal.The most common are pork and buffallo ribs

How many muscles does it take to whistle?

It is unknown the exact number of muscles used to whistle. However, there are two muscles that are used the most, and they are the orbicularis oris and buccinator muscles.

What is the most dangerous animal in Russia?

My vote goes to the Siberian Tiger. Homo Sapien.

What muscles is most used by a human?

For many people it's the talking muscles. For runners it's the leg muscles. For barmaids it's the biceps/triceps.

What part of your body needs the most oxygen when climbing stairs?

Lower extremity needs most blood supply when climbing the stairs. This supply goes to the muscles.

Most muscles in the body are what muscles?

skeletal muscles

What muscles are the most muscles in the body?

skeletal muscles

What needs the most muscles?

Tentacles need the most muscles.

What muscle doesn't originate from the ribs?

Most leg muscles and arm muscles, some muscles in the head, and most internal muscles.

What bone of the upper armis similar to the femur of the leg?

The Humerus bone would be most simialr to the femur. It goes from the shoulder to the elbow. there many muscles connected to it.It also connects the scaupla to the lower arm