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Q: Which animal produces the most amount of animal waste in the Amazon Rainforest?
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What the most popular animal in the Amazon rainforest?

The sloth is the most popular animal in the amazon rainforest.

What is the famous animal in the rainforest?

the amazon

What is the most engendered animal in the amazon rainforest?


What is the most feared animal in the Amazon rainforest?

the mosquito

What is the easiest animal to draw that lives in the amazon rainforest?


What is the fastest animal in the Amazon rainforest?

i think it might be the cheater

What is the largest animal that lives in the rainforest?

The largest animal that lives in the Amazon Rainforest is the Jaguar. However, the largest animal that lives in the Amazon River is the Black Caiman.

Animal life of the Amazon rainforest?

toucans, frogs, gorillas, ect.

What is the most amazingist animal in the rainforest?

The amazon Rain forest (in Brazil)

What the smallest animal in the amazon rainforest?

The smallest animal in the Amazon rainforest is probably something like a tiny mite. They are considered animals, too.Other answers:mousem lemur and pygmy lemurthe poison dart frog

What is the smallest animal in the Amazon rainforest?

The smallest animal in the Amazon rainforest is probably something like a tiny mite. They are considered animals, too.Other answers:mousem lemur and pygmy lemurthe poison dart frog

How many animal live in the amazon rainforest?

Assuming you mean Amazon:This question is similar to asking "How many fish live in the pacific ocean?" It is literally impossible to answer. Even if you asked: "How many different species of animal live in the Amazon rainforest" it is also impossible to answer. They are in fact still discovering different species of animal in the rainforest's of the Amazon.