

Which animal sweat on its tongue?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Which animal sweat on its tongue?
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Related questions

Why do animal open their tongue to stay cool?

What do we do when we are hot? We sweat. we are humans. Dogs and some other animals only have sweat glans on the bottom pads of their feet, and also sweat through their tongue.

Why a dog runs in the summer with tongue out of his mouth?

Dogs sweat through their tongue because they have no other way to perspire. They sweat through their tongue.

Why does a dog tongue hangout?

Its how they sweat.

Where are the two places dogs sweat?

Dogs sweat through their Paws and their tongue.

How do werewolves sweat?

Same as a dog, from the tongue

Does dogs sweat from there tongue?

Yes.(you spelt there(their)wrongly)

Can you tongue sweat?

The tongue does not sweat. However, you can salivate, which makes the mouth moist to wet. Without saliva, you can have dental cavities, gum disease, and very bad breath.

Do tigers have sweat glands?

Yes, a saber tooth tiger can sweat. It sweats through its tongue like dogs and wolves. Its tongue hangs out. ai wonder how they can stick it through their teeth?

Is sweat a noun?

No, sweat is not noun as it is not a name, place ,animal or a thing.This is the reason why sweat is not a noun.

Why dogs hang their tongue s out and pant?

Its how they cool themselves down. Its like when u sweat.

Does a cheetah have a tongue?

Almost every animal has a tongue, And EVERY mammal has a tongue.

Why dogs hang out their tongue in summer?

Temperature regulation is a critical tongue function for a dog. Since they don't sweat, dogs cool themselves predominantly through their tongue.