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Blue Whale

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Q: Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of this animal?
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Which animal has the most memories?

elephants do

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Who is the most smartest animal in Africa?

Elephants and Parrots

Which wild animal is more intelligent in the world?

elephants are the most intelligent animals.

Is an elephant a tame animal?

No. Most elephants are still wild animals, even those Asian elephants that have been tamed and trained for work.

What is a animal that is older than elephant?

an aardvark is older than most elephants but some elephants grow older than they should to be so yea aardvarks are older than elephants

To which modern animal does woolly mammoths seem most closely related?

Woolly mammoths look very much like modern elephants. They are more closely related to Asian elephants than to African elephants.

what part of a plant functions most like the tongue and stomach of an animal?

It might be the leaves

Is a African bush elephant heavier than a rhinceros?

Yes. In most cases African Elephants are much heavier than Rhinos. Rhinos weigh an average of around 3000 kilograms (6500 pounds) whereas Elephants weigh an average of 10000 pounds or more. However, extremely large Rhinos in Africa are known to weigh around 10000 pounds similarly extremely large bull Elephants are known to weigh around 15000 pounds.

Most dangerous animal in world?

i think its mosquitoes, lions, jellyfishes, sharks, elephants,or yellow jackets.

What is the most interesting animal fact?

Elephants are afraid of mice. Giraffes have blue tongues. Giraffes are silent.