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Hagfish are chordates and craniates, but they are not vertebrates. This is because they have a skull and notochord but lack vertebrae.

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Q: Which animals are chordates and craniates but not vertabrates?
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What is the animal which are chordates and craniates but not vertabrate?

Myxini (hagfishes) are chordates and craniates. they have a cartillagenous skull but no vertebra or jaws.

What do craniates have that earlier chordates did not have?

A skull made of either hard bone or cartilage

Are more than nine-tenths of all chordates living today vertabrates?

Yes, most chordates are vertebrates.

How do you write chordates in a sentence?

Chordates are animals with vertebrates.

What are chordates and non chordates?

Some of these non-chordates are marine animals. These animals are without a backbone. Some of these animals are... Fish Coral Sea-Aneamone

Are chordates eukaryote?

Chordates are a group of animals which include vertebrates (animals having a spinal column), so yes, birds are chordates.

How can you tell that a lizard has a backbone?

Lizards and all other reptiles are vertabrates. Vertabrates are animals that have backbones.

Is a pelican a vertabrate or invertabrate?

Pelicans are vertabrates because they have backbones. All animals that have backbones are vertabrates.

What word describes animals with a back bone?

Vertebrates I agree, Animals with backbones are called Vertabrates. Alot of animals are vertabrates. Here are some examples, of animals with backbones, Vertabrates. * Dogs * Cats * Birds * Snakes * FrogsThey are the vertebrates. For example: elephants, birds, cats, dolphins.

Is a robin a vertibrate?

vertabrates are animals that have a back bone

What are the unique features of chordates?

chordates have spinal cord and it separates it from the animals which do not have spinal cord

What are the names of animals who have hemoglobin?

All animals that are vertabrates, or have a back have hemoglobin in their blood.