

Which animals awake at during day?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Those animals that are awake during the day include the following (feel free to add to this list):

  • birds
  • rabbits
  • cattle
  • sheep
  • goats
  • dogs
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13y ago
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Q: Which animals awake at during day?
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What do nocturnal animals do through the night?

They hunt or feed . Mostly ))) They basically do what -animals that are awake in the day- do during the day .

What are animals who sleep in the day and come out at night called?

Animals who sleep during the day and are awake at night are called nocturnals.

What are animals that sleep at night called?

== == Animals that SLEEP at night (and are awake in the DAY) are called DIURNAL. Animals that are awake at night and sleep during the day are NOCTURNAL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------

What word describes creatures that come out at night?

'Nocturnal' is the term used for animals that hunt or stay awake during the night; such as bats, owls, and so on. Animals that hunt or stay awake during the day are diurnal. This means that they sleep during the night, whereas nocturnal they sleep during the day.

How do animals sleep in the day?

because some animals are noturnal, for example hamsters, foxes and badgers and noctural because they sleep during the day and they are awake at night

What is another name for daytime animals?

Non-nocturnal? Diurnal - awake during the day/sleep at night

What does it mean to call an animal nocturnal?

Animals which are active during the day are called diurnal. Animals which are active at dawn and dusk are called crepuscular.It's very confusing! Big Words!

Are pandas diurnal?

Yes, pandas are considered crepuscular, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk. However, they can also be active during the day and night, especially when in captivity or influenced by human disturbances.

Does nocturnal also mean that you can see in the dark?

Nocturnal means when an animal is awake during the night while the Diurnal animals (awake during the day) are asleep. Yes, nocturnal animals do see in the dark because of their special pupils. Hope I helped! (:

What are animals called if they are awake during the day and night eg cats?

Cats are polyphasic, which means that they have several sleep cycles each day.

What is the name for an animal that stays awake all day?

Diurnal animals are active during the day and sleep at night.

What is a nocturnal animal?

A nocturnal animal is one that is active during the night and sleeps during the day. These animals have adaptations such as keen night vision, enhanced senses of hearing and smell, and specialized fur or feathers to help them navigate and hunt in the dark. Examples include owls, bats, and foxes.